Fashion In Action - Discovering. Learning. Growing.

Our Purpose

Fashionstudioforme is a platform dedicated to fashion. The main goal is to share fashion knowledge for the benefit of everyday people, aspiring designers, and pattern makers. Our mission is to provide valuable information to ultimately transform lives as we are in a world of creativity and constant learning. Fashionstudioforme is a place where you will learn through simple demonstrations, consultations, mentoring, easy tips, and useful tricks. 
In addition, Fashionstudioforme will help you find solutions to your special occasion needs through its custom-made garments’ creation branch Acustomfitdesign.
Let’s put together our dynamism to broaden our knowledge and impact the world around us.

Activities Overview

How Tos
Basic front bodice draped on muslin
Custom-made Clothing
Jumpsuit with flower effect ruffles